As Linus Health acquires Aural Analytics’ speech biomarkers technology, Michael J. Fox Foundation invests in Cambridge Cognition for digital measures, and Janssen acquires Feel Therapeutics, money is pouring into digital biomarker solutions to streamline clinical pipelines for neurology.

Network with an exclusive group of 80+ senior decision makers at the inaugural 3rd Digital Biomarkers & Clinical Measures for Neurology Summit, who are looking to invest in validated digital biomarkers and clinical measures for more confident translation through clinical development.

Do you have the capabilities to help them?

CNS Pharma and Biotech Companies Seek:

Cognition & Sleep Analysis

Motor & Gait Tracking

Speech Analysis

Digital CROs

Wearable Technologies


Why Partner?

  • Connect face-to-face with 80+ digital health and clinical development decision-makers from CNS biopharma looking to implement digital tools into their early clinical pipelines
  • Position yourself as an industry educator, presenting to our entire audience to show your validated digital measures can transform the trajectory of drug-developer trials
  • Understand your customer with exclusive market insights meticulously curated by the Hanson Wade team
  • Amplify your brand visibility with our tailored in-event and pre-event marketing to a tailored audience of CNS digital health leaders

Who Will You Meet?

49140 Audience Summary (2)
49140 Audience Summary (1)

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