Harnessing Digital Cognitive Assessments in the Real World for MCI & Alzheimer’s Disease to Bridge the Gap to Early Diagnosis & Intervention

Time: 2:00 pm
day: Pre-Conference Day


As we move into a landscape where disease modifying therapeutics are finally a reality for Alzheimer’s Disease, how can we ensure these patients can benefit from research and development? With just 8% of patients who have mild cognitive impairment receiving a diagnosis, more sensitive measures in the real world are crucial for ensuring patients are identified at an earlier stage where treatment will be effective. Digital health assessments that can more quantitatively, precisely and accurately measure cognition beyond the blunt tool of clinical outcome assessments are crucial in identifying earlier patient populations who will benefit from:

  • Evaluating computerized cognitive testing in the real world to save clinician time as an objective, examiner-independent and multidimensional tool
  • Harnessing disease diagnosis but also more subtle and sensitive measures to monitor progression and stage disease to understand the earlier time for cognitive impairment
  • Improving usability of cognitive assessments e.g. easy and fun iPad or mobile games to make integrating into clinical assessment easy and reduce patient burden
  • Ensuring diverse clinical trial populations to reflect the heterogeneity of a real-world population
  • Contextualizing variability to account for disease phenotype

*Afternoon break & refreshments will be served during this session at 3:00pm
