Jacqueline Theis

Jacqueline Theis

Company: C. Light Technologies Inc.

Job title: Chief Medical Officer


Demonstrating Fixational & Saccadic Eye Movements as an Objective Biomarker 11:30 am

Reviewing the extensive neuropathoanatomy of fixational eye movements (FEMs), including microsaccades, tremor, and drift and their overlap with saccades and smooth pursuits Outlining the differences between involuntary microsaccades and voluntary saccades and how they can and cannot be manipulated by patient subjects Discussing the differences between pupil and retinal eye-tracking technologies and when each technology…Read more

day: Conference Day Two

Roundtable Discussion: Dissecting Development of Digital Measures Across CNS Clinical Development 11:40 am

Join tables led by digital biomarker experts to discuss the benefits and challenges of different digital measures of neurological disorders. Evaluating retinal eye motion as a prognostic biomarker for patient stratification and granular monitoring in CNS drug development Debating a standardized measurement package to streamline biomarker validation Balancing device and assessment sensitivity and usability to…Read more

day: Conference Day Two

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