Viprali Bhatkar

Viprali Bhatkar

Company: Bristol Myers Squibb

Job title: Senior Director, Digital Health


Workshop C: Digitalizing Psychiatry: Objective & Precise Clinical Monitoring of Symptoms & Digital Therapeutics as an Intervention to Produce Patient Benefit 1:00 pm

In an era of unprecedented technological advancement, the integration of digital tools in psychiatric care offers a promising avenue to revolutionize patient monitoring and treatment efficacy assessment. This workshop delves into the realm of digital psychiatry, focusing on how regular, objective clinical monitoring can provide invaluable insights into the symptoms and progress of patients with…Read more

day: Pre-Conference Day Track C PM

Panel Discussion: Strategizing on How we can Build & Develop a Network of Internal & External Capabilities to Process Complex Data from Digital Biomarkers to Determine Patient Centric Challenges 1:30 pm

Sharing different approaches to building out internal capabilities of digital technology expertise Identifying the right partners to work with for external outsourcing capabilities Exploring parallel growth cycles for digital health and how they have established as a team Discussion of teams to implement adoption within organization of novel digital endpointsRead more

day: Day Two

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