Centralizing & Standardizing Digital Measure Development Efforts with DEEP Expansion on DiME’s Laboratory: Extending from the Latest V3+ Framework in Parkinson’s & MS

Time: 4:30 pm
day: Day One


  • DEEP integrates data from the library into a newly developed catalogue of case studies and evidence data to enrich the value of endpoint library data as a component of DEEPs holistic solution to enable more effective digital clinical measurement usage
  • Harnessing the DEEP platform to share regulatory learnings and experience from both the FDA and the EMA including context of use and patient preferences for CNS Indications to overcome cumbersome regulatory acceptance pathways due to a lack of transparency
  • Exploring future directions to further optimize DiMe’s library to make it a valuable tool for CNS indications
  • Cases and evidence data to enrich the value of endpoint library data
