Rauha Tulkki-Wilke

Rauha Tulkki-Wilke

Company: DEEP Measures

Job title: Chief Product Officer


Centralizing & Standardizing Digital Measure Development Efforts with DEEP Expansion on DiME’s Laboratory: Extending from the Latest V3+ Framework in Parkinson’s & MS 4:30 pm

DEEP integrates data from the library into a newly developed catalogue of case studies and evidence data to enrich the value of endpoint library data as a component of DEEPs holistic solution to enable more effective digital clinical measurement usage Harnessing the DEEP platform to share regulatory learnings and experience from both the FDA and…Read more

day: Day One

Utilizing a Structured Evidence Model for Regulatory Acceptance of Digital Measures: Learnings from Real-Life Pilots 3:30 pm

Overviewing what defines a structured evidence model Reviewing use cases of structured evidence model in the different stages of a life cycle: including development, validation and acceptance of digital measures and solutions Exploring real life learnings from the regulatory pilot with the EMARead more

day: Day One

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